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Post-dural puncture headache: risk factors

The risk of a headache after accidental dural puncture (i.e., with an epidural needle) is approximately 50%. However, keep in mind that headaches occur in 12% of all parturients who have an epidural (and 15% of parturients who don’t have an epidural).

For patients whose dura is violated intentionally (ex. spinal anesthetic, CSE, DPE), the most important modifiable risk factors have to do with needle selection – small (24 or 25 ga.) pencil point (Whitacre or Sprotte) needles should be selected. A large (22 ga.) Quincke needle can produce PDPH in 30-70% of cases, whereas a small (24-25 ga.) Whitacre or Sprotte needle will produce PDPH in only 3-5%.

Risk Factors for Post-Dural Puncture Headache

  • Beveled (Quincke) needle (pencil-point needles are preferable)
  • Larger needle
  • Female gender
  • Pregnancy
  • Younger age
  • History of headache prior to the dural puncture


  1. K M Kuntz, E Kokmen, J C Stevens, P Miller, K P Offord, M M Ho Post-lumbar puncture headaches: experience in 501 consecutive procedures. Neurology: 1992, 42(10);1884-7 PubMed Link
  2. Christopher L Wu, Andrew J Rowlingson, Seth R Cohen, Robert K Michaels, Genevieve E Courpas, Emily M Joe, Spencer S Liu Gender and post-dural puncture headache. Anesthesiology: 2006, 105(3);613-8 PubMed Link