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Key Points

  • Organophosphates are potent chemical compounds commonly found in insecticides, herbicides, chemical warfare weapons, and certain medications.
  • Organophosphates inhibit acetylcholinesterase, leading to excess acetylcholine and overstimulation of cholinergic receptors in the autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, and neuromuscular junction.
  • Symptoms of organophosphate poisoning include salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, gastric emesis, bronchorrhea, bronchospasm, bradycardia, diaphoresis, lethargy, muscle weakness, and fasciculations.
  • Diagnosis of organophosphate poisoning relies on clinical signs, history, measurement of red blood cell acetylcholinesterase concentration, and improvement of symptoms after administration of atropine.
  • Treatment for organophosphate poisoning includes decontamination, respiratory support, atropine and pralidoxime administration, and monitoring of respiratory status, heart rate, and symptoms.


  • Organophosphates are potent chemical compounds composed of carbon and phosphorous acid derivatives.1,2 They are commonly found in insecticides, herbicides, chemical warfare weapons, and certain medications.1-3
  • Excess exposure to organophosphates can lead to poisoning and toxic systemic symptoms.1,2

Epidemiology and Sources of Exposure

  • Organophosphate insecticides were developed in the mid-1800s and have been employed in agricultural production worldwide since the 1940s.1,3
  • In the United States, there are 37 different insecticides classified as organophosphates.1,3
  • Implementing strict chemical regulations and developing carbamate insecticides have led to a decrease in the incidence of organophosphate poisoning.1
  • The 2022 Annual Report of the National Poison Data System (NPDS) from America’s Poison Center found pesticides to be the 11th most frequently involved substance in human exposures.4
  • Most cases of organophosphate poisoning in developing countries result from intentional ingestion of pesticides for self-harm.1
  • Sarin, VX, and Novichok are specific organophosphates that have been utilized as neurotoxic weapons.1,2
  • Organophosphates can be found in medicines, such as for the treatment of glaucoma (echothiophate) and myasthenia gravis (pyridostigmine, physostigmine).2


  • Organophosphates are readily absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and skin.2
    They bind to and inhibit acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme responsible for the hydrolysis of acetylcholine to choline and acetic acid.2
  • Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase results in the accumulation of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible for activating postsynaptic receptors and propagation of action potentials.1
  • Excess acetylcholine can lead to overstimulation of cholinergic receptors, of which there are nicotinic and muscarinic subtypes, resulting in a variety of toxic symptoms.1 The parasympathetic nervous system is greatly affected as it is heavily regulated by nicotinic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors.2
  • The onset and duration of organophosphate poisoning depends on the agents’ rate of enzyme inhibition, route of absorption, lipophilicity, and other characteristics.2 Oral and respiratory routes of organophosphate absorption generally display rates of around 3 hours, while the dermal route may take up to 12 hours.2 Delayed onset and prolonged symptoms are seen in lipophilic organophosphates as they are stored in adipose tissues.2

Clinical Presentation

  • The toxic effects of organophosphates are the result of cholinergic excess in the parasympathetic nervous system, neuromuscular junction, and central nervous system.2
  • Muscarinic signs of organophosphate poisoning include:
    • SLUDGE/BBB: Salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, gastric emesis, bronchorrhea, bronchospasm, bradycardia
    • DUMBELS: Defecation, urination, miosis, bronchorrhea/bronchospasm/bradycardia, emesis, lacrimation, salivation.2
  • Organophosphate poisoning may present with transient tachycardia and mydriasis as sympathetic ganglia also contain nicotinic receptors.2
  • Excess acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction is responsible for nicotinic symptoms, including fasciculations, muscle weakness, and paralysis.2
  • Symptoms of central respiratory depression, lethargy, seizures, and coma can be traced to the presence of cholinergic receptors in the brain.2
  • Other acute symptoms of organophosphate poisoning may include anxiety, confusion, emotional lability, hallucinations, memory loss, and insomnia.1
  • Most fatal cases of organophosphate poisoning are due to respiratory failure as the result of bronchoconstriction, bronchorrhea, weakness of respiratory muscles, and central respiratory depression.1,2


  • Diagnosis of organophosphate poisoning primarily relies on clinical signs and a history of possible exposure.2 Miosis, diaphoresis, and respiratory distress are the most prevalent symptoms of organophosphate poisoning.1 A peculiar garlic or petroleum odor emitted by certain organophosphates may assist in diagnosing poisoning.1,2
  • Measuring red blood cell acetylcholinesterase concentration is a powerful diagnostic tool, although it may not be readily available in many facilities.1,2
  • To further help in the diagnosis of organophosphate poisoning, a trial of 1 mg atropine in adults (or 0.01 to 0.02 mg/kg in children) may be administered.2
  • The presence of improved symptoms following administration of atropine supports the diagnosis of organophosphate poisoning, but its absence does not exclude it.1,2


  • Before assessing and treating a patient with suspected organophosphate poisoning, healthcare personnel should ensure the use of appropriate personal protective equipment to avoid contamination with the agent.1,2
  • If the patient is not in acute distress, decontamination of the patient should follow, including disposal of the patient’s clothes and repeated skin washes with soap and water.1
  • Patients should receive an intravenous catheter, cardiac monitoring, pulse oximetry, and respiratory support with 100 percent oxygen and intubation if necessary.1,2
  • If intubation is necessary, succinylcholine should be avoided as it cannot be metabolized in the setting of organophosphate poisoning and will lead to prolonged paralysis.1,2
  • Patients with suspected organophosphate poisoning should receive isotonic crystalloids for volume resuscitation.2
  • The primary treatment for organophosphate poisoning is atropine, an antimuscarinic medication that competes with acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors.1,2 Atropine should be administered intravenously at an initial dose of 2 to 5 mg for adults and 0.05 mg/kg for children.1,2
  • The dose of atropine should be doubled every 3 to 5 minutes until there is an absence of bronchoconstriction and respiratory secretions have decreased.1 Additional signs of proper atropine administration include dry skin, dry mucosa, decreased bowel sounds, mydriasis, and tachycardia.1
  • After improvement with atropine by bolus, 10 to 20 percent of the cumulative bolus dose should be administered as an intravenous continuous infusion per hour.2 The infusion rate of atropine is changed as needed to maintain proper response and slowly tapered until recovery.2
  • An epinephrine infusion may be started on patients whose heart rate remains below 80 beats per minute or who remain hypotensive with a normal heart rate despite receiving high doses of atropine.2
  • Another effective treatment used in organophosphate poisoning is an antidote, pralidoxime, which reactivates acetylcholinesterase and improves both muscarinic and nicotinic symptoms.1,2 When using pralidoxime, it is important to note that it must be administered after administration of atropine to avoid worsening symptoms.1,2
  • Pralidoxime should be administered as an intravenous bolus at 30 mg/kg in adults and 25 to 50 mg/kg in children, followed by a continuous infusion at a rate of at least 8 mg/kg/h in adults and 10 to 20 mg/kg/h in children.1,2 Pralidoxime should be administered over 30 minutes, as fast administration could lead to cardiac arrest.1,2
  • Serial measurements of red blood cell acetylcholinesterase concentrations can aid in the assessment of treatment efficacy.2
  • If patients present with seizures, benzodiazepines should be administered.1,2
  • If patients present within 1 hour of organophosphate ingestion, 1 g/kg of activated charcoal may be administered.2


  • Global mortality rates caused by organophosphate insecticides range from 2 to 25 percent.1
  • The Peradeniya Organophosphorus Poisoning scale assesses the clinical severity and prognosis of organophosphate poisoning by considering miosis, fasciculations, respiration, bradycardia, level of consciousness, and seizures.1
  • Higher Peradeniya Organophosphorus Poisoning scale scores are associated with increased mortality, need for ventilatory support, and atropine dosages.1
  • The Glasgow Coma Score can also be used to assess prognosis, where a score less than 13 is associated with poor outcomes.2


  1. Robb EL, Regina AC, Baker MB. Organophosphate toxicity. In: StatPearls (Internet). Treasure Island, FL: StatPearls Publishing; 2024. Accessed on July 8, 2024. Link
  2. Bird S, Organophosphate and carbamate poisoning. In: Post T, ed. UpToDate; 2024. Accessed on July 8, 2024. Link
  3. Tudi M, Daniel Ruan H, Wang L, et al. Agriculture development, pesticide application, and its impact on the environment. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(3):1112. PubMed
  4. Gummin DD, Mowry JB, Beuhler MC, et al. 2022 Annual Report of the National Poison Data System® (NPDS) from America's Poison Centers®: 40th Annual Report. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2023;61(10):717-939. PubMed