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Obturator nerve: anatomy
Last updated: 06/02/2016
3 big nerves of the lower limb
- Femoral-anterior compartment
- Obturator-medial compartment
- Sciatic-posterior compartment
The Obturator is:
- Derived from L3 and L4
- Deep in the obturator canal after descending from the medial psoas muscle
- Primarily a motor nerve, very little sensory contribution (see picture below)
- Once leaving this canal, 2 branches are formed (see picture below):
- Anterior.
- Articulate branch to the hip
- Anterior adductor thigh muscles
- Cutaneous branch to the lower branch medial thigh(variable)
- Posterior.
- Articulate branch to the knee(variable)
- Deep adductor muscles
- Anterior.
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