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Hypocalcemia: ECG effects

Hypocalcemia typically prolongs the Q-T interval on electrocardiograms and may lead to complete heart block.

Other signs and symptoms include mental status changes, tetany, laryngospasm, Chvostek (facial nerve) and Trousseau (brachial artery occlusion) signs, hypotension, and arrhythmias.

Hypercalcemia (increased serum calcium) produces a quicker ventricular repolarization and therefore shorter Q-T interval.


  • Cardiac: prolonged QT and possible heart block. Hypotension, other arrhythmias
  • Neurologic: MS changes, tetany, laryngospasm, Chvostek (facial n.) and Trousseau (brachial a.) signs

Other References

  1. Keys to the Cart: December 5, 2016; A 5-minute video review of ABA Keywords Link