PEEP to treat hypoxia
Perioperative risk of MI
Peripartum changes in CO
Peripheral nerves: Sensory vs motor
Peripheral TPN complications
PH buffering: Bicarbonate
Phases of Labor
Pheochromocytoma: Dx markers
Pheochromocytoma hypertension treatment
Pheochromocytoma: preop preparation
Pheochromocytoma: Rx of HTN
Phrenic N stim: Side effects
Placenta accreta: Risk factors
Placental transfer: Anesth drugs
Placental transfer: anticholinergic
Placental transfer: local anesthetics
Plt inhibitor drugs: Tirofiban mech
Polymorphic VT: Rx
Post-cardiac transplant patient
Post-CPB creatinine increase: Differential diagnosis
Post-dural puncture headache: risk factors
Postobstructive pulmonary edema
Postop diabetes insipidus: Rx
Postoperative ATN: Differential diagnosis
Postoperative SIRS/sepsis: Dx