POCUS of the Month is back!
Introduction to Lung Ultrasound
New Series! Pediatric Anesthesia Vodcast (en Español)
Consideraciones Perioperatorias: Bronchoespasmo en Anestesia Pediátrica
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Question of the Day
Which of the following DECREASES MAC for volatile anesthetics?
Hypothermia decreases MAC. Clonidine, dexmedetomidine (and other drugs that reduce central catecholamines) also lower MAC. Hyperthermia and MAO inhibitors (and other drugs that increase central catecholamines) increase MAC. Hyperthyroidism slightly raises MAC. There is no sex effect: the MAC of men and women is the same.
OA Series: March 2025
OA-POCUS Case of the Month
Introduction to Lung UltrasoundYuriy Bronshteyn, MD, FASE, Duke University Health System, Durham, NC
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Pediatric Anesthesia Vodcast (en Español)
Consideraciones Perioperatorias: Bronchoespamo en Anestesia PediátricaMarco V. Padilla, MD, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
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