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Obstetric Anesthesia


Obstetric Anesthesia Resource

Obstetric Anesthesia Summaries

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play-icon-2 41:15

OA-SOAP Fellows Webinar Series

Understanding Trauma: The Effect on Our Patients and Us

Jaime Daly, MD, University of Colorado, Aurora, CO

quiz-icon-pink Quiz

Problem-Based Learning Discussion

Care of the Parturient with Pre-eclampsia

Barbara Orlando, MD, PhD, UTHealth Houston, Houston, TX, Lana Glantz, MD, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Queens, NY

vodcast-icon-blue-2 Vodcast

play-icon-2 43:14

OA-SOAP Fellows Webinar Series

Pain During Cesarean Delivery

Mark Zakowski, MD, FASA, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA

quiz-icon-pink Quiz

Problem-Based Learning Discussion

The Morbidly Obese Parturient: Comorbidities, Complications, and Considerations

Heather Nixon, MD, University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System, Chicago, IL, Lana Glantz, MD, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Queens, NY

vodcast-icon-blue-2 Vodcast

play-icon-2 46:18

OA-SOAP Fellows Webinar Series

Fixing the Broken Pipeline: How Assessment Bias Affects Trainees

Allison Mitchell, MD, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO

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play-icon-2 49:10

OA-SOAP Fellows Webinar Series

Anesthetic Implications of Substance Use on Labor and Delivery

TJ Biel, MD, MBA, Cedars Sinai, Beverly Hills, CA

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play-icon-2 40:43

OA-SOAP Fellows Webinar Series

From Contraction to Action: Quality Improvement in OB Anesthesia

Kelly Fedoruk, MD, FRCPC, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

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play-icon-2 52:05

OA-SOAP Fellows Webinar Series

Acute Cardiac Events in Pregnancy: A PBLD Approach

Jaime Daly, MD, University of Colorado, Aurora, CO

vodcast-icon-blue-2 Vodcast

play-icon-2 38:01

OA-SOAP Fellows Webinar Series

Obstetric Risk Stratification: Triumphs and Tribulations

Bushra W. Taha, MD, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, MA

vodcast-icon-blue-2 Vodcast

play-icon-2 35:00

OA-SOAP Fellows Webinar Series

Iron Deficiency Anemia in Parturients: Implications, Disparities and Outcomes

Sarah Nizamuddin, MD, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

vodcast-icon-blue-2 Vodcast

play-icon-2 40:12

OA-SOAP Fellows Webinar Series

Enhanced Recovery After Cesarean Delivery (Update)

Hilary Gallin, MD, MBA, New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY

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